US President Donald Trump appeared wearing a mask during his visit to a military hospital on Saturday. It was the first time Trump wore a mask on his appearances in public places after the outbreak of pandemic.
Trump had always declined to wear a mask recommended by health officials as a precaution against spreading or becoming infected by the novel coronavirus.A month before he even made a mock of those wearing masks but soon revoked his statements saying “I stand with those who wear a mask”. Trump was wearing a mask in Walter Reed’s hallway as he began his visit. He was not wearing one when he stepped off the helicopter at the facility.
Most prominent Republicans, including Vice President Mike Pence, endorsed wearing masks as the coronavirus gained ground this summer infecting more than 3.2 million and killed at least 134,000.
Republican governors have been moving toward requiring or encouraging the use of masks as the pandemic has grown more serious in some states in the South and West.
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