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BIZARRE ; World’s tallest Hairdo hits the Guinness World Records 2021 !!!

Measuring 1.08 m (42.5 inches) in height, this lengthy hairdo can easily be spotted from a distance.  

After previously trying to acquire an official record title, Joseph from  Minnesota (USA) is now officially on the pages of this year’s guinness book after achieving the world’s tallest full Mohican Mohawk.


“My favorite thing about the mohawk is just the rare nature of it,” Joseph said.”I’ll admit that people’s’ reactions are pretty priceless too. I’m 6’1 tall, and my mohawk is pushing 4 feet now.” “Doors aren’t over 7’ tall, ceilings 9’, and cars are impossible to get into – so I’m limited to where and how I move around when I’m all done up, but the crowd usually comes to me.”

Joseph wanted to break this record back in 2007. However he was too afraid to shave the sides of his hair, which is required for the record attempt. Since he’s been known for having long hair most of his life, he thought this was the perfect record for him to have.  After being inspired to try again, he needed to start from scratch due to his hair becoming too dreaded – so Joseph regrew his mane and actually managed to have it reach the length of four feet in just seven years!

One of the most surprising elements to Joseph’s hair is that it actually does not require much maintenance. When he’s not wearing it in a record-breaking tower, Joseph keeps his hair braided and in two knots as to avoid sitting on it.  During his time in quarantine, Joseph has been an essential worker at a healthcare facility in Minnesota and has tried to look for silver lining amid the global changes.

One these includes becoming a Guinness World Records title holder and being featured in the 2021 book, a feat he is incredibly proud of. “When I was first informed that I’d become a Guinness World Records title holder, I was over the top. Having a goal become a reality is always a thankful experience.” “I’m honored to be added to a list of one-of-a-kind record holders. My wife wants me to stay humble, but instead I’m considering becoming the ‘Mohawk King’, and attempting the tallest mohawk spike title, which is how I’d begun my journey with record-breaking in 2007.”



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