Kareena Kapoor Khan recently shared the poster of the film “Adipurush”, which introducing Saif Ali Khan as the villain in Prabhas staring movie. “Presenting the most handsome devil in history…my man Saif Ali Khan”-wrote Kareena on his Instagram.
He is playing the role of Ravan in the 3D action-drama Adipurush. His wife Kareena is super excited about the upcoming film. Adipurush will be his 2nd movie, which plays a negative role. He is reuniting with the director Om Raut and Tseries Bhushan Kumar through this film. Actor Prabhas also shared the poster with the caption “7000 years ago existed the world’s most intelligent demon! #Adipurush”.
Adipurush will be a bilingual film in Hindi-Telungu and it will be dubbed in Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada as well as several foreign languages. The releasing date will be on next year probably. Saif Ali Khan is enthusiastic to be worked with the director Om Raut. “I’m thrilled to be working with Omi dada again. He has a grand vision and the technical knowledge to pull it off”, he remarked.
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