“Hope fully, Shailaja teacher’s master class in public administration will boost the odds in the next and more difficult phase”- says the prospect magazine.
We all are aware about the contributions given by Shailaja teacher in this pandemic context. Some of the biggest media houses around the world has been highlighted and detailed the initial success story of Kerala and Shailaja teacher in resisting the resisting the outbreak.
K.K. Shailaja Teacher, our state Health Minister has been selected as the world’s top thinker for Covid-19 time by a British Magazine “Prospect”. From a list of 50 personalities including the News Zealand Prime minister Jacinda Ardern, Philospher Cornel west, and Historian of Slavery Olivette Otele, she has been selected. Ten thousand peoples voted for Shailaja teacher. Jacinda Arden is ranked second in the list. “She was the right women in the right place” stated the magazine.
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