New Delhi: While investigating the Delhi riot cases, the Delhi Police found various WhatsApp groups that were formed during December 2019 and which remained active in February when widespread violence broke out. DCP Pramod Kushwaha who headed the probe informed the court how whatsapp groups mobilised crowd and carried out violence.”We have analysed a whatsapp group titled ‘Delhi Protest Support Group’. One of the accused wrote in the group need for a chakka jam (blocking of roads) and violence,” he said.
“The strategy was to block the road and create a situation which leads to a confrontation with the law enforcement agencies,” he added. Officers in the special cell say students from Jamia Milia Islamia University and members of Pinjra Tod were at the forefront of chakka jam.The court was also informed that they have a retrieved a text which showed that protesters were “hell-bent” on carrying out violence in the area of north-east Delhi. The police claimed they have a “whistleblower” who have given details how these whatsapp groups worked.”One of the chats mentions an incident in Hauj Rani which was carried out by the group,” the police claimed. The Delhi Police stated that statements recorded before a judicial magistrate shows that groups were created for the sole purpose of violence and riots.Main conspirators who have been named in the charge sheet were the one who created these WhatsApp groups.
“Youngsters were sent to the spot and sustain the protest. This wasn’t a democratic process beginning. The very purpose of the protest was violence,” the police said in the court.”Based upon scientific, documentary and testimonial evidence, a total number of 15 accused have now been charge-sheeted out of the 21 persons arrested so far. The remaining 6 persons are expected to be charge-sheeted in due course after collecting sufficient evidence and completing statutory and procedural requirements,” the Delhi Police said in a statement on Wednesday.
Delhi witnessed its worst communal riots after 36 years in February. Fifty-three people died and 583 others received injuries. Properties worth Rs 20 crores were lost and compensation claims have been filed.Sources say the anti CAA protests well planned and the organizers worked towards the escalation of protests to full-blown riots, to bring a bad name to the Central Govt. Timing and places of execution carefully chosen just prior to the visit of the American President to draw maximum media attention.
The charge sheet has details account of the Core Committee comprising of Key members like Umar Khalid, Sharjil Imam, Safoora Zargar, Pinjda Tod Group, PFI and other such people had series of meetings, planning for the protests and also discussed possible consequences of their plan and possibility of violence and communal riots were discussed in such meetings. However, the core leadership pushed their plans.Inciting communal feelings was integral to anti-CAA protests. The choice of Muslim dominated areas with a past history of communal violence was also integral to the plan. And women protestors was used as a shield.
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