Dakota: ‘You reap what you sow! That’s the old saying that can apply to a lot of things in life. Well, today it has a two fold meaning – harvesting crops and helping friends!’- this was written by one of the residents of North Dakota.
Lane Unhjem, a farmer in the US North Dakota, suffered a cardiac arrest when he was in middle of the harvesting process. Then his neighbours decided to do something which we don’t see much.
“Around 60 farmers in Divide County put their own harvesting on hold to cut 1,000 acres for a neighbor who suffered a heart attack after his combine caught fire last week,” said the reports.
One of his family friend said, ‘I talked to a couple of farmers, got their equipment, and then other people just started calling and we had equipment offered from all over the place in the county, and their workers to go with it, everybody knows Unhjems, and they’re good people and good in the community, and just kind of the farming way of life too. You help your neighbor out when they need it, and don’t expect anything in return’.
These neighbors of Unhjem took only about 7 hours to harvest 1,000 acres of crops.
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