An incredible photo of a shark in a school of fish has won the top prize at this year’s Drone Photo Awards.
Apart from the Siena Awards Festival in Italy, the aerial awards category sees entrants from 126 countries enter their photos to be judged for the top prize. The 45 top ranking photos will be displayed in the ‘Above Us Only Sky’ exhibition. It runs at one of Italy’s oldest science museums, the Accademia dei Fisiocritici in Siena. The overall winner for this year was taken by Jim PicĂ´t, an Australian photographer who took a truly once in a lifetime snap. His winning image portrayed a striking sight – a school of salmon forming a heart shape while been hunted down by a preying shark.
Drone Photo Awards 2020: Extraordinary image of shark in heart-shaped school of fish wins top prizehttps://t.co/k3eSvbEVeC pic.twitter.com/k8MvzfeEjk
— Ray Blackman (@Shoeray) September 24, 2020
Others include an image called Ring of Crocodiles. The stunning photograph was taken in Bangladesh by photographer Adnan Asif. It featured in the wildlife category: Another showed a crater row that was taken in Iceland, by photographer James Rushforth.” The exhibition represents the only group exhibition held in Italy on aerial photography, with images that capture the beauty of the world seen from the skies and allow imagination to tell a story,” the creators of the awards described the event.
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