April may begin with April fool pranks and making others jerk but it is also one of the cruelest months. Those of you who are “lucky” enough to be born in April are 12% more likely to die of cardiovascular disease. According to a Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard Medical School,” Compared with those people born in November, we observed higher cardiovascular mortality among those born from March to July, peaking in April, and the lowest among those born in December.”
If that was some biology nonsense, let’s talk about some true-crime stuff:
Many criminologists and terrorism experts recognize April as ‘killing season’. According to Beirich of Southern Poverty Law Center, 78.9% of far-right attacks in the past two decades occurred between April and September. That’s just a third of the year seeing four-fifths of all lethal domestic terrorist attacks.
If you still not believe, let’s check some of the better-known terror attacks happened in April in recent years:
The Waco Siege (19th April 1993)
86 people died during the siege at Waco during a standoff between cult leader David Koresh’s Branch Davidians and the US federal government. 80 people died during the final assault and burning down of the Mount Carmel compound.
Oklahoma City bombing (19th April 1995)
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols parked a truck bomb in front of a federal building in downtown Oklahoma City which exploded and killed 168 people. It was the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the United States and remains the deadliest incident of domestic terrorism in the country’s history.
Columbine High School massacre (20th April 1999)
12 students & a teacher died and a further 24 were injured when 12th grade (senior) students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire in the high school in Colorado. Interestingly, Hitler’s birthday also falls on April the 20th.
Boston Marathon Bombing (15th April 2013)
3 died, 264 injured & 16 lost limbs when two Chechen Kyrgyzstani-American brothers set off pressure-cooker bombs at the finish line of this famous long-distance race.
Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting (13th April 2014)
3 people were shot dead in an antisemitic attack in a Jewish community in Kansas. The shootings began at around 1:00 p.m. (CDT) at a rear parking lot of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City, near the entrance to the White Theater. The gunman first fired a handgun at two men. One of the men managed to escape immediately, while the second man tried to flee in his car. A bullet struck the shoulder bag of the man’s seat, but he escaped uninjured.
Virginia Tech Shooting (16th April 2007)
South Korea-born undergraduate student killed 32 and wounded 17 others with a pair of semi-automatic pistols before turning the gun on himself. It was, and remains, the deadliest school shooting in the history of the US. And it was the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman in U.S. history, being surpassed 9 years later by the Orlando nightclub shooting.
Franklin Regional High School stabbing (9th April 2014)
A 16-year-old student used two 8-inch kitchen knives to stab and slash 20 students and a security guard at his high school in Murrysville, Pennsylvania. Four students sustained life-threatening injuries, but all survived.
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