A Porsche owner and his wife blockaded his street to stop a council tow-truck from taking his sports car. Peter Fennell ran outside in a rage when he spotted his 1980s Porsche 944 being motor loaded on the lorry after he got a ticket for parking on double yellow lines near his home in Highgate, London. He remonstrated with the drivers because he has a parking permit for the street but had left half of his car protruding from a legal spot onto double yellow lines.
But after the parking wardens refused to back down Mr. Fennel then sat on a stool in the middle of the road in protest. Peter then worked on his laptop so the classic sports car that currently sells for around £ 30,000 couldn’t be taken. His wife Anne also stood behind the tow-truck so it couldn’t reverse and escape with the car. Haringey Council sent a tow-truck to take Peter Fennell’s Porsche less than after slapping him with a parking ticket. After a five hour stand-off, peace was brokered when the officers’ superiors relented and agreed the car could be left with Peter. But in a comic twist, the truck’s engine promptly died, leaving the van blocking the street in Highgate, north London. Peter and Anne shared sandwiches and mugs of tea with the officers while they helped them jumpstart their vehicle.
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