This is the story of the miraculous escape of a one-month-old kitten. The kitten was somehow trapped inside the bonnet of a car that had been taken for service. He had been trapped inside for two days without even getting water.
There are a cat and three children in Janu’s house on Kakkur-Pavandoor road. One of the kittens went missing on Saturday. The disappearance was noticed when the family members looked heard the mother cat crying.
Cats often play under the car in the house. The family contacted the staff who took the car for service, believing that the kitten had been trapped in the car that was taken to the service that day. But the cat was not seen in it. It was thought that the kitten had fallen somewhere on the way from Kakkur to Kozhikode. The kitten was then found safely inside the bonnet while being serviced.
Arjun, Sumod and Nawaz, employees of the car service center on Jail Road, rescued the kitten. Food and water were provided. He then informed the family and handed over the kitten.
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