Water is one of the most essential nutrients for the body. Water is the most abundant substance in the body. It is the habit of every dieter to drink a glass of water as soon as they wake up in the morning. Drinking water in this way will help to remove all the impurities in the body and rejuvenate it. Some dietitians recommend drinking lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice and honey.
Thus drinking water is very important to maintain the health of the body and follow a proper diet. Studies show that drinking water can help you lose weight and stay fit in Japanese water therapy.
Japanese Water Therapy
Japanese water therapy is practiced in a way that it helps maintain the health of the digestive system. Stimulates the stomach as well as the overall digestive system. Drinking fresh water as soon as you wake up in the morning is an important part of traditional Japanese medicine. They call this time the golden moment of health. The Japanese encourage people to drink this water as soon as they wake up to lose weight and solve various health problems.
1. Drink four glasses of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. It is estimated to be 160 to 200 milliliters. Drink plain or lukewarm water. It is better to add the juice of one lemon in it.
2. Any other food should be taken only 45 minutes after drinking water.
3. Take at least two hours break after each meal. In the meantime, do not eat any other food.
4. Older people and those with other health problems are advised to start with a glass of water and gradually increase the amount of water.
5. Do not drink four glasses of water at a time. Instead, take a break every minute after drinking a glass of water.
6. Walk at least an hour every day
7. Gargle with lukewarm salted water before going to bed at night
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