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Eating out and grocery shopping are more dangerous than air-travel in this COVID-19 pandemic….

A person who eats at restaurants and goes for grocery shopping is at a greater risk of contracting the Covid-19 than someone who travels in an airplane, according to a study.

Scientists at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health published a study named ‘Aviation Public Health Initiative’ this week, in which they claimed that the rate of transmission of Covid-19 in passengers could drastically be reduced if they are encouraged to follow preventive measures. Guidelines to curb the spread of the virus mandate frequent washing of hands with soap, wearing masks at all times, ensuring constant ventilation and airflow in the aircraft and airport and regularly cleaning and sanitizing planes.

If followed, the approach “reduces the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission onboard aircraft below that of other routine activities during the pandemic, such as grocery shopping or eating out,” the study said. Education and awareness also play a significant role in controlling the spread of coronavirus, the study added.

“Airlines and airports are campaigning to inform the public about actions they can take to reduce disease transmission on their journey. This includes public health safety information while booking, at check-in, boarding, and on the aircraft. Cabin crew receive training to identify and isolate potentially infected individuals should a case appear on board an aircraft”.


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