In US, the seven-day average of new cases is climbing in every state, forcing leaders to reverse course on reopening. California will put 94% of its population in its most restrictive tier for curbs.
Moderna Inc. said its Covid-19 vaccine was almost 95% effective in a late-stage trial and another sign of progress in the hunt for tools to fight the pandemic. The chief Economist Philip Lane said in an interview, “This pandemic is tough enough — we shouldn’t add to it by having to deal with some kind of credit freeze, having to deal with rising interest rates.” “Our orientation is to keep financing conditions favorable.”
In the Texas’ second-worst hot spot of Amarillo, 36% of hospital capacity is occupied by Covid-19 patients and there are just eight intensive-care beds available to serve a population of almost half a million. The new research suggests, the mutated form of the new corona virus that is now the most common strain worldwide is more infectious but may also be more vulnerable to vaccines under development.
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