SYDNEY- South Australia officials said that a “lie” of a pizza worker, led to the harshest coronavirus lockdown yet in the state. The contact tracers were initially believed that a man was infected with a highly contagious virus with a much shorter incubation period. South Australia state Premier Steven Marshall said the six-day strict lockdown would be lifted earlier-than-expected, as the virus was not as contagious as initially thought.
A security guard at a quarantine hotel, who also worked part-time at a pizza parlor, in the state capital of Adelaide, the Woodville Pizza Bar, was infected through a returned traveler from the UK. A second worker, not identified by the authorities by name, at another quarantine hotel in the city also became infected. Authorities said the man told contact tracers that he had only purchased a pizza from the same bar, when in fact they later discovered he worked several shifts there. Authorities worked on the premise that the man had contracted the virus from a very short exposure while buying pizza, leading them to believe he must have been exposed to a highly contagious strain. A second consequence is that contact tracers now need to find and isolate a whole new group of people who have had contact with the man. The review team went back to re-interview the man, who finally disclosed he worked several shifts at the pizza bar. Premier Marshall said it was not yet clear what the man’s motivation was.
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