Popular Bollywood actress Urmila Matondkar may join Shiv Sena. The actress had earlier one year ago resigned from Congress. As per reports, the actress will join Shiv Sena on Monday. Shiv Sena has not shared any further details regarding her joining as of yet.
Urmila Matondkar had contested the 2019 Lok Sabha election from Mumbai North as a Congress candidate. She had lost the to BJP’s Gopal Shetty. Later she had resigned from the party.
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After her defeat in the election Urmila Matondkar has said the the ‘petty politics’ in the Congress had defeated her. The actress also accused that this has also defeated her ‘bigger goal’ for Mumbai’s Congress.
Urmila Matondkar had joined the Congress in March 2019 ahead of the Lok Sabha elections and resigned in September 2019.
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