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Lockheed Martin shares picture of MH-60 Romeo helicopter for Indian Navy….

American firm Lockheed Martin for the first time shared the picture of the MH-60 Romeo multi-role helicopter for the Indian Navy in Indian colours. India has placed orders for 24 of these helicopters.

India had signed $2.6 billion deal in 2019 to buy 24 MH-60 Romeo helicopters from Lockheed Martin. The multi-mission helicopters can detect, track and attack submarines and surface ships.

India and the United States have been building up defence ties in recent years with joint military exercises and exchanges. They held their first ministerial in September 2018 – a simultaneous meeting for their defence and foreign ministers.

They ended years of discussions and signed two agreements LEMOA (Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement) and COMCASA (Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement) in recent years to improve inter-operability between their militaries.


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