As the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching implications continue to unfold globally and in our community, it’s normal for people to experience a wide range of thoughts, feelings, reactions.
It’s important to recognize the seriousness of the public health challenges facing our community and be mindful that reacting from a place of panic and fear is usually unhelpful, especially in the long-term. Looking after our wellbeing in times like this can help to reduce stress, and is crucial in enabling us to still take calm and effective action during this global crisis.
Having a healthy routine can have a positive impact on your thoughts and feelings. Receiving support and care from others has a powerful effect on helping us cope with challenges. Spending time with supportive family and friends can bring a sense of comfort and stability. People with substance use disorders, notably those addicted to tobacco or opioids, are likely to have worse outcomes if they get COVID-19. That’s because these addictions can harm lung function and weaken the immune system, causing chronic conditions such as heart disease and lung disease, which increase the risk of serious complications from COVID-19.
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