Kerala has been set on high alert after an 11-year-old boy died and 20 suspected patients of shigella bacterial infection were informed in Kozhikode on Saturday, district medical officer Dr. Jayashree stated. This is not the first time that Shigella infection has been reported in the state and there have been identical reports in the past as well, Kerala Health Minister KK Shailaja said.”Usually, these viruses spread through infected water. Hence, it is highly instructed for people living in densely populated regions to use boiled water for drinking. Everybody must possess vigilance and assure proper hygiene” she added.
Shigella outbreak in northern Kerala
According to Kozhikode District Medical Officer V Jayashree, 26 cases of diarrhea have been registered in the district for the past few days. Six of these cases have been related to Shigella, which is a transferable virus infection where a patient experiences diarrhea as the primary sign. Most of the patients, including two children, have been admitted to the Kozhikode Medical College while some patients have been discharged after healing from Shigella. None of those impacted are in acute condition as of yet, she added.
The district government of Kozhikode has tested the samples of 56 presumed patients. Out of these, only six were diagnosed with Shigella. At least 150 people in Wayanad and nearby regions have ministered to a medical camp arranged by the health department in the last two days. She went on to add that actions are being created to outline the core reason for the infection. Water and food samples have also been collected from impacted areas for this objective.
A transmissible viral infection, Shigella is the more typically used term to define shigellosis which is induced by Shigella bacteria. Children under the age of 10 are most gullible to contract Shigella. A person can get contaminated with shigellosis after consuming contaminated water or having stale food or even using the same toilet as an infected person.
Apart from diarrhea, a person infected by Shigella may also experience fever and stomach pain. Symptoms of Shigella usually start in a day or two after the patient has been contaminated and can endure for up to seven days. Doctors advise often washing hands with soap and running water to avoid conditions such as Shigella.
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