Superstar Rajinikanth, who recently made his political debut by announcing his intentions to run in the forthcoming elections, tests negative for COVID-19. His latest film’s seven crew members tested positive for the virus earlier. Sun Pictures shared a statement on its Twitter handle, “During routine testing at #Annaatthe shoot, 4 crew members have tested positive for Covid19. Superstar @rajinikanth and other crew members have tested negative. To ensure utmost safety #Annaatthe shooting has been postponed.”
Rajinikanth and his crew were filming at Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad. The team from ‘Annaatthe’ was expected to film for 45 days in a bio-secure bubble. In pivotal roles, directed by Siva,’ Annaatthe’ also includes Nayanthara, Keerthy Suresh, Meena, Khushbu, Prakash Raj, Soori. The film also includes the Bollywood actors Jackie Shroff and Prakash Raj.
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