Thiruvananthapuram: The state government has issued guidelines for opening schools from January 1. The government has also decided to conduct the general examinations in Classes 10 and 12 from March 17 to 30, 2021 in strict compliance with the code of conduct.
From January 1, 2021, children will be able to attend schools with the consent of their parents for practical examinations, revision of digital classes, dispelling doubts for children and model examinations as part of the general examination. In addition, all students can take advantage of existing digital classes. Teachers have also been instructed to provide classes through social media such as Google Meet, Google Classroom and WhatsApp for children who are unable to attend school for any reason.
The general guidelines are:
- Only a maximum of 50% of children should be allowed in schools at a time in the first phase.
- School level schedules can be adjusted for the first week for that children who come to school.
- Attendance at schools is restricted to the days specified by the Department of Health. It is advisable that students, parents and other staff from the homes of patients who are Covid positive should not come to school.
- Adequate disinfection activities should be ensured in schools.
- Disinfect all school premises, furniture, stationery, store room, water tank, kitchen, canteen, toilet, lab and library.
- Drinking water tanks, wells and other water sources must be disinfected as water borne diseases have started with Covid 19. Arrangements will be made in connection with the primary health centers.
- Schools will be equipped with masks, digital thermometers, sanitizers and soaps.
- The children should be seated in the classrooms in compliance with the Covid protocol. The teachers should also arrange the seating in the staff room at a fixed distance.
- The above distance should be maintained in public places, office rooms, etc.
- Posters, stickers and signboards reminding children of social/physical distance should be placed in classrooms, libraries, hand washing areas, outside the washroom and on school buses.
- Provide health check-up facilities for children and teachers at the required stages
- Keep a social distance from everyone inside the school bus and other vehicles. Perform thermal screening before boarding school vehicles. Force masks inside vehicles. Do not put curtains on the windows of the vehicle. Be sure to keep all windows open.
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