Telegram, an instant messaging service, has over 50 crore monthly active users. Telegram gained 2.5 crore new users in 72 hours. This was stated by the founder of the Telegram Pavel Durov. Since its inception in 2013, Telegram has been able to sustain and grow the market. Telegram’s open source nature and competitiveness are the main factors that attract users to Telegram.
Pavel Durov shared more information about the recent arrival of Telegram users. Of this, 38% is from Asia. 27% from Europe and 21% from Latin America. Eight percent are from the Middle East and North Africa. There has been an increase in the number of users in this way many times before but now it is different. Durov said the number of users joining each day has reached 1.5 million.
Telegram is being challenged by the propaganda that it is a Russian application. However, Telegram left Russia and moved its headquarters to London following a dispute with the Russian government. Pavlov Durov said that Telegram’s servers are not currently in Russia and that Telegram is banned in Russia.
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