New Delhi: After resentment, WhatsApp has delayed its purposed privacy update, declared this month. The prompt messaging application stated that the judgment to defer the privacy update has been exerted due to ‘misinformation causing concern’ amongst people. “We’re now swaying back the date on which people will be claimed to examine and endure the conditions. No one will have their account delayed or removed on February 8. We’re also working to do a lot more to remove up the misinformation around how privacy and security work on WhatsApp. We’ll then go to people constantly to evaluate the policy at their own speed before new business prospects are possible on May 15,” the company said.
The company also convinced people that the update will give clarity about how Whatsapp handle and manage data.“The update involves new choices people will have to message a business on WhatsApp and contributes more clarity about how we gather and manage data. While not everyone stores with a business on WhatsApp today, we believe that more people will prefer to do so in the future and it’s essential people are conscious of these settings. This update does not extend our capacity to share information with Facebook”, it added.
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Prominently, many of the users and media outlets have described the information as a labeled transformation in WhatsApp’s data-sharing methods, wrongly assuming that the firm could soon read people’s communications and other private information.
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