You see a mouth licking or a finger-licking good food you love it at first sight. An insatiable interest pervades you where you feel to smell, touch, and whatnot – that love. Yes, Love at first sight exists. We all may fall in love with the morning sun, the chirping birds, a fashionable cloth, a smartphone, a sexy car, a sleek bike, and whatnot. For some, it could be AH64 Apache Helicopter or M1 Abrams fighter tank but Yes, Love at first sight exists. Sooner or later we will feel remorse that the hot-selling toys in the world are replicas of lethal weapons and we buy them for our kids.
Women get attracted to appealing men at first sight and the same is in the case of the opposite sex as well. The appealing factors vary for everyone whether it could look, talk, or even being naughty. Yes, we call it all love at first sight. Why we do make-up and sometimes makeovers? Is it to attract others and make them feel love at first sight? In the inner subconscious level, researchers say, it is, though many will object to it. No room for an argument with them, here. Even animals make themselves appealing to the opposite sex, a quite natural phenomenon.
Some psychologists say it is the result of a lot of biochemical actions happening inside our body that we feel a sort of attraction to anything that appeals to our senses at first sight. They say that in the case of two individuals or two beings having distinctive characteristics due to these biochemical reactions get attracted but that doesn’t mean that that love will last long. Or it can last long and derive a new meaning of love by accepting each other physically and mentally and those reciprocations are the basics of maintaining a healthy society and of course the multiplication. The uniqueness of each becomes the other’s focal point of attraction. Biological difference makes men get attracted to women at first sight in a different aspect but that is only to satiate skin’s lazy hunger. But, otherwise, do any human beings love at first sight? We need to contemplate for an answer.
The world celebrates Valentine’s Day, probably a day in which the largest number of lies are told, boast, and toast about love. Do we sometimes feel that love is just a virtual reality now a day? Having said volumes about materialistic love these days let us evade that talk. The world has grown smaller but the gap between the minds grew wider. We have access to the entire world at a finger touch but do we have access to the gateway of real love at a finger touch A path full of red roses, a fuel for others’ thoughts, feelings, and being everything. Trojan War fought for Helen launched a thousand ships and burned the topless towers of Ilium in the myths ended with a repulse.
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In all mythologies, there is love whether it is Roman, Greek, Vedic, or Arabian and they talk about real love. There will be love till the end of living species in this universe. But, do human beings love at first sight, in world relations are compassed within a lot of visible and invisible barriers. We need to contemplate before an answer, ain’t exist or do but we still love to fancy that there is love at first sight, Right?
Credits; Kishore Panicker
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