There is a wall near the house called Njaveliparambil on the Thrissur-Kodungallur route. The wall is demolished and a large cupboard is built. This cupboard can be opened by anyone passing by. It includes lunch packs. The cupboard will be filled as the food package empties. This is for the hungry. Before Covid, up to fifty people used to eat here every day.
Abdul Qadir, who has been in the automobile business in Oman for 38 years, returned home a few years ago. Once the price of hunger was known, it was the inspiration to feed the hungry. His wife Sunitha gave full support to the project. Sunita also cooks food. Lunch is prepared up to three times a day on the days when the food package was emptied in the cupboard. He followed Gandhian ideals and his father and mother were the ones who fed others. This is what led to such an idea.
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