Jakarta: Indonesian police are busy investigating a bizarre case. The woman came to the scene claiming that a gust of wind made her pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl an hour later. Indonesian police are investigating the incident.
Twenty-five-year-old Siti Saina came up with the weird idea. She is a native of Sianjur, Indonesia. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl last week. ‘After the afternoon prayer I was sitting in the living room of the house when a strong wind blew. After 15 minutes, I felt pain in my abdomen. I went to the nearest clinic as it was unbearable. ‘ Siti says that she gave birth to a baby girl there.
Upon learning of the incident, the locals went to Siti’s house to see the mother and baby. Health workers also visited them. Siti reiterated that she was pregnant because the wind was blowing at her. Health workers say Siti had a cryptic pregnancy condition in which a woman is not identified until she gives birth. The health workers said that this was the reason why Siti went unrecognized as pregnant and that Siti’s claim was completely absurd.
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