A senior World Health Organization official said that it was ‘Disappointing’ yet not surprising to witness the Covid-19 spike in the countries. The official also said that it was “premature” and “unrealistic” to think the pandemic might end soon.
The official further added that the recent arrival of effective vaccines could at least help dramatically reduce hospitalisations and death. Dr. Michael Ryan, director of WHO’s emergencies program emphasised on the point that the focus of world should be to keep transmission of COVID-19 as low as possible. “If we’re smart, we can finish with the hospitalisations and the deaths and the tragedy associated with this pandemic by the end of the year, he said.
He added that if the vaccines begin to impact not only on death and not only on hospitalisation, but have a significant impact on transmission dynamics and transmission risk, then it will accelerate toward controlling this pandemic. But at the same time, Ryan said nothing can be guaranteed in an evolving epidemic.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said WHO was working to understand why cases increased. He said that the immunisations provided by the U.N.-backed effort COVAX began this week in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. But the immunisations happened only three months after countries such as Britain, the U.S. and Canada began vaccinating their own populations.
“Countries are not in a race with each other. This is a common race against the virus. We are not asking countries to put their own people at risk. We are asking all countries to be part of a global effort to suppress the virus everywhere” he said.
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