The Japanese capital, Tokyo will be hosting the XXXII Summer Olympiad. According to the organizers claim, the Games of the XXXII Olympiad of the modern era will be “the most innovative ever organized, and will rest on three fundamental principles to transform the world: striving for your personal best (achieving your personal best); accepting one another (unity in diversity); and passing on a legacy for the future (connecting to tomorrow)”.
But the Japanese government has put forward plans to ban overseas audiences from attending the Summer Olympics due to Covid 19 spread. The majority of the Japanese disagreed with the holding of the games due to Covid 19. The final decision is yet to be announced by the International Olympic Committee, this month. Presumably, the govt may decide the acceptance of residents of Japan to witness the games and also to confirm the number of spectators to be allowed into the venues, the Mainichi added.
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The local organizing committee was about to arrange a meeting on Wednesday with officials from the IOC, the international para Olympic committee, and the Tokyo and national government regarding this, the report says. The top agenda of the meeting is to decide on allowing the spectators into venues. The Japanese people have reported their interest in a Yomiuri newspaper poll on Wednesday which suggests that the Games are to go ahead as scheduled, 91 percent of people in Japan want to limit the spectators to a minimum number or not allowed at all.
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