WASHINGTON, D.C .: The $ 1.9 trillion corona virus rescue package brought in by President Biden after much controversy and long-awaited approval has been approved for further debate in the Senate. The bill was saved by a casting vote by Vice President Kamala Harris when both parties clashed by a 50-50 vote on whether to debate the bill.
The bill will now be debated in the Senate. With the completion of the budget reconciliation process, a simple majority was enough to discuss the bill. Republican Senator Ron Johnson from the Visa Consulate urged Senate Clark to read the entire 628 – page bill. With this, 10 more hours were allotted in addition to the 20 hours allowed for discussion.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s firm stance led to the decision to debate the bill today. The Republican agenda of delaying the debate on the bill as much as possible was defeated by Kamal Harris’ vote. It remains to be seen whether the $ 1.9 trillion package will be fully approved by the Senate in the coming days.
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