Uttar Pradesh; A panchayat community organization in a village in Uttar Pradesh has prohibited men from wearing half pants and women from skirts and jeans. Kshatriya Panchayat in Muzaffarnagar district has prevented young boys and men from wearing half pants and shorts. Girls have been forbidden from wearing skirts and jeans. The Panchayat has declared that those who resist the taboo will encounter a cultural boycott.
Members of the Kshatriya community from more than a dozen villages engaged in the panchayat that was carried on Tuesday evening. Thakur Puran Singh, who managed the panchayat, said that when tradition and culture are damaged, the society also gets destroyed.”You do not need guns to destroy a culture. Deviating from a tradition will destroy the culture on its own. From today, no young boy or man should be seen wearing half pants or shorts. If anyone flouts the panchayat’s diktat, he will have to face punishment,” he said.
Read more; “Delhi follows 10 principles of Ram Rajya, from the epic Ramayana” ; Chief Minister
Thakur Puran Singh said that while it was healthy that girls were chosen for higher education, they should take responsibility to dress as per custom. The panchayat also stated that liquor consumption should be evaded during the forthcoming panchayat elections and rejected the reservation of seats in the panchayat elections.
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