Uttar Pradesh’s khap panchayat in Muzaffarnagar district bans girls from wearing jeans and skirts. The khap has also instructed boys not to wear short pants. The panchayat also warned that it will ostracise the violators.
The diktat was issued by a panchayat in Pipalshah village that discussed issues “plaguing society”.”This is not our culture. Girls should not wear jeans or skirts and men should also wear proper clothes. If they violate our ruling, then they will face boycott,” said Thakur Puran Singh, president of Bhartiya Kisan Sangathan (BKS). BKS was in the news for withdrawing from farmers’ protest over three farm laws enacted by the Centre.
Thakur Puran Singh said that the decision doesn’t apply to children. However, he opined that wearing anything above the knees is not proper. “We will speak to the management of such schools,” he told. Meanwhile, Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) will conduct a probe into what diktat the panchayat has issued.
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