Later creating headlines over his provocative “ripped jeans” remark, the latest Uttarakhand Chief Minister, Tirath Singh Rawat, is back with another this time criticizing the US for “200 years of rule in India”.In a video of his speech, the Chief Minister can be caught saying “America, which held us for 200 years and managed the whole world, is struggling” to manage the coronavirus pandemic.
He related India with the US on various COVID-19 cases. “As opposed to other countries, India is doing better in handling the pandemic. America, which enslaved us for 200 years and ruled the whole world, is struggling today. The US is number one in the health division and yet, they have over 50 lakh (Covid) deaths, They are repeatedly directing towards a lockdown.” Mr. Rawat added.
“Who knows what would have happened to India had anyone else been the prime minister instead of Narendra Modi during this time, we would have been in a bad state. But he (PM) gave us relief,” he said. Mr. Rawat added that PM Modi protected everyone, “but we didn’t follow his instructions. Wearing masks, sanitizing, washing hands and social distancing, only some people followed.”
Earlier this week the Uttarakhand Chief Minister met blame for his provocative remarks on women wearing ripped jeans and how they cannot, he feels to give the proper conditions at home for children. He said he was horrified to notice a woman managing an NGO in ripped jeans and was concerned about the example she was setting for society.”If this kind of woman goes out in society to meet people and solve their problems, what kind of message are we giving out to society, to our kids? It all starts at home. What we do, our kids follow. A child who is taught the right culture at home, no matter how modern he becomes, will never fail in life,” the Chief Minister had said.
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The comments generally scrutinized as misogynistic, conveyed #RippedJeansTwitter trending on Twitter with thousands of people sharing memes and jokes and using shots at Mr. Tirath’s comment. Several politicians and actors had also blamed the remark, following which the chief minister confessed. But at the same time, he reiterated his opposition to ripped jeans, assuming he has no problem with jeans but wearing “torn” ones is “not right”.
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