Gooseberry is a storehouse of vitamin C. Gooseberry is also good for skincare as it enhances immunity. Let’s get acquainted with the methods used by gooseberry for skincare.
Gooseberry – Papaya Facepack
Add 2 tsp gooseberry juice and 2 tsp papaya and apply on the face. Rinse after 15 minutes. Ideal for enhancing complexion and softening the skin. This mask can be applied to the face twice a week.
Gooseberry – Yogurt – Honey Facepack
Gooseberry juice is good for relieving sunburn. Yogurt is also great for getting a cold. Add gooseberry and yogurt mixture and add half a teaspoon of honey. Use this mask to get a fresh look when you go outside and return home.
Gooseberry – Sugar – Rose Water Scrub
It is best to scrub your face once a week. Gooseberry juice/powder, sugar, and rose water can be taken in certain quantities and used as a scrub. First, apply on the face and pat dry. When it starts to dry, you can rub your face with rose water or water. After this, you can cleanse your face with cold water.
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