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ANALYSIS ; Is a dead body infectious for Covid-19?Can river spread Covid-19?

The pictures of corpses floating in the Ganga river are threatening. More than 70 dead bodies have been retrieved from the river in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Local reports declare more than 100 bodies have been dumped into the flow. The discovery of bodies has triggered fear over the extent of Covid-19 through the Ganga river. Can rivers spread Covid-19?

This question includes an explanation to two other crucial issues: Does Covid-19 spread from a corpse? Does Covid-19 disperse through water? There is a need for certainty whether a dead body is contagious for Covid-19. Many specialists reject the chance of a dead body holding a Covid-19 hazard. But, officials continue to have body disposal custom for Covid-19 cases.

Health firms in India command maximum attention in the administration of the bodies of people dying of Covid-19. The guidelines published by the Union health ministry and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) imply there is a chance of coronavirus contamination in managing dead bodies. They direct the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks and eyewear, hand sanitization, and also sanitizing of a bag holding the dead body.

In the UK, the guidelines for the attention of the dead with assumed or proved coronavirus (Covid-19), updated on April 22 this year, give more detailed rules for a separate group of handlers including health workers, municipal professionals, and family members or relatives. In the US, though, the protocol is a little different. It defines highly contagious Ebola in the cases of deaths happening from Covid-19. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says, “Based on what we know now, it is believed there is little risk of getting COVID-19 from a dead body.”

But, even the CDC has a sign: “Family members can view the body but must stand at least 1 meter away from other persons viewing the body. They should not touch the body without taking precautions.”It declares its objective as two-pronged to ensure that: “The dead are handled with sympathy, honor and admiration” — which did not occur in the case of the dead whose bodies were discovered floating in Ganga in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.“People who need to come into contact with the deceased or who work in services providing care for the deceased are protected from infection”.The CDC also recommends the application of gloves, gown, water, and soap or diluted chlorine solution, mask, goggles or face cover “to protect from splashing of any body fluids”.

This brings us to the next topic. According to health authorities and firms, the SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, spreads mostly through respiratory droplets generated by an infected person during cough, sneeze, speech, or breathing. Some of the droplets are very small, called aerosols, and they can be airborne over a range greater than two meters. This indicates that coronavirus remains secure in the water delivered by an infected person. Some researchers have discovered proof of coronavirus in the fecal material of infected persons. It is not clear, though, whether the infected fecal infection can contaminate a healthy person. But body-liquids may transfer coronavirus. Though, there is no proof to infer that moving water or even a swimming pool can be the route of transmission for SARS-CoV-2. Air in intimate touch remains the only proven path of Covid-19 transmission. But, some researchers have discovered SARS-CoV-2 in rivers and wastewaters but with unproven transmissibility.

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In its Mythbusters order, the WHO states, “The Covid-19 virus does not transmit through the water while swimming. However, the virus spreads between people when someone has close contact with an infected person.”Now, let us move back to the first problem, whether the dumping of bodies in the river can transmit Covid-19. The chance of Covid-19 transmission is dubious or only a vague possibility in the lack of enough research about whether marine life can convey coronavirus from one species to another.

However, dead bodies are recognized as infectious and have a huge number of bacteria and viruses that would only raise contamination levels in Ganga in this matter. There could be other unfavorable consequences on health for those appearing in close contact with floating dead bodies. But, the finding of dead bodies in Ganga is a story of the rejection of honor in death and unconcern of the system which even the dead ones chose to keep in place.


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