UP; The number of live cases in UP was over 3 lakhs in April. After battling with an intense Covid crisis, oxygen deficiency, and the availability of hospital beds, India’s most populated state presently appears to be on a way of rejuvenation. As of May 24, the number of live cases in the state had attained 76703. While weeks back the state was observing around 40,000 news cases daily, in the last few days the every day new cases have been under 4000. As per the reports, 11 of the 75 districts in the state have witnessed daily new positive cases only in single figures. 55 districts have daily cases in double digits. The Kaushambi district has not noticed a single new covid case in the last 2 days. 18 districts had recorded zero covid deaths on May 24.
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— Yogi Adityanath Office (@myogioffice) May 26, 2021
On Tuesday, the number of live cases in UP decreased to 70,000. 3957 new cases and 10,441 recoveries were recorded, as per the state government’s information. From the summit of 3.1 lakh cases on April 30, the state on Tuesday witnessed a 78% decline, with just 69,828 active cases. Total Covid deaths in UP have been 19,519 while Tuesday saw 163 deaths so far. Despite the decline in cases, the state has held the number of tests up. It has been performing above 2.8 lakh covid tests every day for the last 25 days.UP has performed the highest number of Covid tests in India. 4,73,62,430 Covid tests have been conducted so far. Last week, UP had become the first state in India to do 3.7 lakh tests on a single day.
Beginning from May 21, UP’s TPR had decreased to just 2.4percent.CM Yogi has been relentlessly traveling district after district, exerting direct records of ground-level methods, meeting with administrators, and visiting hospitals to take stock of the condition. After coming out from home isolation because of covid infection, the CM has been regularly on the movement, visiting Covid hospitals and monitoring arrangements at the ground level all over the state. As a result, the state machinery is operating on a war basis. The consequences of the constant efforts are now perceived in UP’s lowered covid numbers. CM Yogi had yesterday declared that Covid cases in the state are presently totally under control.
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Speaking on the availability of medical oxygen, CM yogi told that he is obliged to the central government for availing medical oxygen through ‘oxygen expresses’. He asserted that so far, 20,000 oxygen concentrators have been made obtainable in the state and his government is concentrating to make another 20,000 oxygen concentrators open in the coming days for benefit of patients. As per the reports, from the necessity of 1000 tons daily till last week, the need for medical oxygen has presently declined to 700 tons a day. Upon appeal of two industry groups, the CII and IIA, the UP government is presently considering diverting some of the oxygen for industrial practice.
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