Koo, a Bengaluru-based social media platform, became India’s first network to publish its social media compliance report more than a month after the new IT laws came into effect. During the month of June 2021, Koo revealed that out of 5,502 posts reported by users, the social media platform removed 22.7% of those posts, 1,253 Koos, while taking action against 4,249 Koos. In addition, the platform has also claimed that it has taken proactive measures to moderate 54,235 Koos, of which 2.2 percent (1,996) were removed while ‘other action’ was taken against 52,239 others.
According to the company statement, ‘other actions’ include overlay, blur, ignore, and warnings for Koos that do not adhere to the Government of India guidelines. According to Koo, the new IT laws required significant social media platforms to appoint a Chief Grievance Officer, Chief Nodal Officer, and Chief Compliance Officer. The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, were notified on February 26 and came into effect on May 26. Google has also released its compliance report. Between April 1 – April 30, the multinational company reported having received 27,762 complaints, of which 26,707 or 96% had to do with copyright. On July 2, Facebook said its first monthly report would be released.
As mandated by the IT Rules, Facebook on Tuesday announced that it would release an interim report on July 2 that will provide information pertaining to the number of pieces of content that were removed proactively between May 15 and June 15. New IT Rules require ‘significant’ social media companies to report compliance monthly, which includes details of complaints received and actions taken.
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As per Facebook’s Transparency Centre website, the interim Facebook report of July 2 will not include details of complaints and actions taken since the social media platform is currently validating data, which will be provided on the July 15 report. Besides data related to WhatsApp, the July 15 report will contain data that is currently being validated, the spokesperson added. The recent announcements from Facebook and WhatsApp and how they handled escalations in India, had Spoorthi Priya and Paresh B Lal as grievance officers.
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