A rat was found roaming on a food counter at Haveli theme restaurant near Phagwara on Thursday. The visitors of the restaurant shared the purported video of the rat running around the shelves, which contain pastry, sandwiches, muffins, burgers and other foods. They also noted that people were already infected with Covid-19 and any carelessness act could lead to the spread of other infections.
The visitors informed the administration about the staff’s irresponsibility. All of the food products kept on the counter were eventually incinerated and the area was adequately fumigated.
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A manager of Haveli said that the rat might have entered the counter when its shutter was opened since it lay outside. ‘But it surely was a big negligence on the part of our staff. We have taken all the safety measures after the matter came to our knowledge. We have reprimanded the staff and told them to be very alert about hygiene and safety of the food in future,’ he added.
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