The festival of Navratri is devoted to goddess Durga and lasts nine days. During these nine days, goddess Durga is said to visit our home in all of her nine forms. Fasting days, daily pujas, and event participation are all part of the nine-day celebration. The fast lasts nine days, during which rice and Indian bread are not consumed. Navratri is a prominent Indian holiday that kicks off a slew of other celebrations such as Dussehra and Diwali. During this time, nine forms of Durga are celebrated as symbols of power, prosperity, wealth, and health.
Navratri also has scientific significance. Navratri is held for two weeks in summer and two weeks in autumn so experts suggest that our bodies’ immunity is weakened during this time since it is influenced by seasonal changes. By eating light and nutritious meals, we can help our bodies stay away from the various flus circulating this time of year. As a result, eating heavy foods like meats, rice, grains and regular salt can harm our health.
There are some rules to follow in order to make the most of Navratri. The basic dos and don’ts of fasting during Navratri are included in these instructions.
Navrathri Fasting Guidelines and Rules
Fasting is a process that cleans our system from the inside out, so it should be taken seriously. You do not have to follow Hindu Mythology exactly since many tweaks have been made over time. The following rules should be kept in mind, however, if you plan to fast during the nine-day period.
Do’s: Fasting rules
1. Bathe every day. Keep yourself clean at all times. You should bathe before 9 a.m., according to priests.
2. Stick to the Navratri diet, which consists of nuts, fruits, milk and butter, and selected flours. Your diet should also be alkaline.
3. During auspicious occasions like this, whatever food is prepared is offered to the deities. You should also do this during Navratri. Alternatively, you can offer fruits and milk.
4. You need to light a lamp every morning or light one on the first day and maintain it until the ninth day.
5. Read the shlokas from the Durga chalisa and dedicate them to Goddess Durga.
6. Towards the end of the nine-day festival, serve food to the girls since goddess Durga is believed to reside in them.
Don’ts: Fasting rules
1. Keep your home clean. During Navratri, the nine forms of goddess Durga are celebrated, and it is believed that Durga visits every household.
2. If you are fasting, do not eat a full meal before sunset.
3. During this period, no alcohol, drugs, eggs, non-vegetarian food, onions, or garlic should be consumed.
4. You shouldn’t cut your hair at this time as well.
5. During this time, it is also advised not to cut nails or stitch. There is no explanation given why you should adhere to this rule.
Here are some tips for making the most of your fasting period:
If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, drink a lot of water, coconut water, chaas, and fruit milkshakes. They will keep you satiated for a long time.
2. Don’t starve yourself: Starving yourself means crash dieting, which is not recommended. You should consume fruits and nuts every two hours as a healthy alternative.
3. No fried foods: Fried foods can often cause us to gain weight. There is no point in fasting if you end up eating fried foods to fill your stomach. Opt for snacks that use little to no oil in the pan. Avoid overdosing your plate with ghee. A tablespoon of ghee is considered healthy every day.
4. Stay away from packets of chips with labels such as ‘diet chips’ or ‘Navratri special’. The marketing gimmicks are meant to persuade you to buy food that is fried, and ultimately consists of ingredients you shouldn’t be eating during this time. Stick to home cooked food and drink plenty of water to detox the Indian way!
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