It is important to name your child and you always try to choose the best name, but one Indonesian took it to a whole new level when he named his child ‘ABCDEF GHIJK Zuzu’. You may say that this cannot be true, but the incident was repeated as was reported when a 12-year-old showed his identity to health authorities in South Sumatra province.
Health officials at the vaccination centre were shocked and did not believe him until the family explained the reason behind the unusual name. According to a report in The Sun, the family named the boy Zuzu as his father loved crosswords and Zuzu came from the names of his parents, Zuhro and Zulfahmi. According to local media reports, the boy has two older brothers called ‘Ammar’ and ‘Attur’, but his father wanted to name him NOPQ RSTUV and XYZ, but the family gave up on the idea and settled for regular names.
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Having an unusual name can bring a lot of trouble for children at school, which is what happened to Zuzu, who was teased by his classmates, but he is now proud of his name. Tribun Jakarta reported that Zulfahmi’s son used to tell him that ABCDEF GHIJK Zuzu’s classmates used to make fun of him, but Zulfahmi told her that the name has a good meaning. Zulfahmi also praised his son’s teachers for supporting him.
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