Pizza is undeniably one of the most popular foods around the world among children and the elderly. Today, who hasn’t ordered pizza takeout or had it delivered? We notice that pizza comes in square boxes. But have you ever wondered why a pizza comes in a square box despite being round? Let’s find out. Easy to make and economical, square boxes are a great choice. In addition, they keep your food safe.
Round boxes are more difficult to manufacture, more time-consuming, and more expensive. Many food packaging boxes have the same basic shape. The manufacturer only needs to adjust the dimensions according to a standard box’s length, width, and height. A standard square box can be made with just a sheet of cardboard.
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Furthermore, it is said that early pizza was square, which may explain why pizza comes in square packaging today. The next question: why is it not cut into squares? Why are pizza slices cut into triangles? A round object can only be cut evenly by cutting it into small triangles. Pizza is also cut square in many places. But only if the pizza is large.
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