Despite the fact that cold beverages are dangerous to health, individuals consume them to satisfy their thirst. But what if you shifted your attention away from carbonated beverages and toward natural beverages, which are not only delicious but also make you feel more energised and rejuvenated? According to dietitian Lovneet Batra, natural beverages, unlike chemically flavoured and processed drinks, do not boost blood sugar levels and are fairly healthful.
The dietitian posted five natural energy-boosting beverages in an Instagram post to encourage her followers to convert to natural drinks. As per Lovneet, there are a variety of natural energy beverages that can boost your energy without increasing your blood sugar.
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Coconut water
Coconut water is one of the healthiest and most natural liquids to drink after a strenuous run or stroll, or simply to satisfy thirst. Coconut water, while being 95% water, is a rich source of energising nutrients. It is a naturally sweet and pleasant drink with ten times the potassium of regular water.
Kombucha is a fermented tea with a long list of health benefits, including B vitamins, glucuronic acid (a detoxifier), and a high concentration of antioxidant-rich polyphenols. It also contains probiotic bacteria and acetic acid, both of which might help you feel more energised.
Jaljeera is an excellent choice if you want a refreshing drink with a hint of sourness. It also gives you a burst of energy right away. The popular Indian beverage aids digestion and contains chemicals that are proven to relieve discomfort caused by stomach cramps.
Sugarcane juice
Sugarcane juice is high in iron, protein, potassium, and other minerals, making it an excellent energy drink. It replenishes bodily fluids and aids in the treatment of dehydration and tiredness.
Sattu is sometimes referred to as ‘poor man’s protein’. Sattu is low in sodium and high in iron, magnesium, and manganese. It gives you quick energy and also acts as a cooling agent, calming your internal organs.
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