Srinagar: Security forces gunned down three Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorists in an encounter at the Chandgam village of Pulwama district, Jammu and Kashmir on Wednesday. One of the dead terrorists is a Pakistani national. Security forces also recovered incriminating materials, arms and ammunition, including 2 M-4 carbines and 1 AK series rifle from their possession.
This the fifth encounter in the first five days of New Year 2022. In the last four encounters the security forces neutralized 5 terrorists associated with LeT/TRF. On Tuesday, the security forces killed two militants affiliated with the Resistance Front (TRF).
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The Jammu and Kashmir police updated that a total of 171 terrorists were killed in the year 2021 of which 19 were Pakistani terrorists. As per the data released by the police, the number of active terrorists in the region has come down to less than 200 and that of active local terrorists has reduced to less than 100, for the first time in history.
#UPDATE | Three JeM terrorists killed in an encounter with security forces in Chandgam, Pulwama. One of them is a Pakistani national. Incriminating materials, arms & ammunition including 2 M-4 carbines & 1 AK series rifle recovered: IGP Kashmir
— ANI (@ANI) January 5, 2022
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