Jeans happen to be an inevitable clothing that finds itself in every young boy or girl’s wardrobe and worn daily as a convenient mode of dressing. Apart from jeans, there isn’t another piece of clothing that can be paired with anything. You may have wondered why women’s jeans have smaller pockets than the ones designed for men. Women find this very annoying. In any case, let’s try and find out why men’s pockets are bigger and women’s pockets are smaller.
Fashion designer Emily Keller, who has worked in the industry for almost ten years, has revealed her secret. In contrast to men’s jeans, which come with pockets large enough to carry mobile phones, wallets, and keys, women’s jeans have pockets too small for even a phone.
There are at least three possible reasons for women’s jeans having small pockets, Emily explained on the social media site Quora. Saving money could be the first motivation. Companies make money by keeping their pockets small. As a result, most brands no longer make pockets for women’s jeans. Emily also mentioned a second reason, which was related to fashion trends. The fashion expert explained that since today’s women’s jeans are body-fitting, the pockets will show through. It may be for this reason women’s jeans do not have pockets.
According to Emily, the third and final reason is that women’s jeans will be stretched if a pocket is inserted. Consequently, the pocket space is also kept small. Emily’s final explanation, however, is that cost-cutting is the main factor. Other factors are simply excuses.
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