Mumbai: Chinese consumer electronics manufacturer, OnePlus launched two new smart TVs in India. The new TVs — OnePlus TV Y1S and OnePlus TV Y1S Edge — will be available in 32-inch and 43-inch variants. The Y1S 32-inch is priced at Rs 16,499 and the Y1S 43-inch at Rs 26,999. Meanwhile, Y1S Edge 32-inch will be available at Rs 16,999 and Y1S Edge 43-inch at Rs 27,999. OnePlus TV Y1S will available on online platforms, the OnePlus TV Y1S Edge can be purchased from offline retail outlets from February 21.
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Both the smart TVs are powered by Android TV 11.0 platform. The smart TVs get Dolby audio support. OnePlus TV Y1S models get 20W full-range stereo speakers, while OnePlus TV Y1S Edge models get 24W full-range stereo speakers. Both smart TVs get OxygenPlay 2.0 that serves more than 230 live channels.Both smart TVs get HDR10, HDR10+, HLG format support. They also feature Google Assistant support. and for connectivity, OnePlus TV Y1S series gets dual-band Wi-Fi with 5GHz band support.
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