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Got a traffic ticket? This city’s traffic police offer 75% off payments!

Discounts are one of the things that most people look forward to. There are always discounts to be had, whether it’s on food, clothes, or services. Let’s see what you think about this very odd offer from the Police Department of Telangana, Hyderabad. Telangana Police has decided to offer a one-time discount on pending traffic challans starting March 1 and ending March 31. Why is there a discount out of the blue?

Well, this is what can be termed as a smart move to deal with the backlog of 600 crore challans. Furthermore, the police department has also added a tinge of humanity to the discount program and said that the discounts are being given as a means of healing the economic wounds that the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted. The newly applied discount scheme will allow LMVs (Light Motor Vehicles), cars, and heavy trucks to enjoy a 50 percent discount on their taxable amount.

The discount will apply to RTC (Road Transportation Corporation) bus owners and two-wheelers. For the RTC bus owners, the discount will apply to 70 percent of the challan amount, and for two-wheelers, it will apply to 75 percent. The bike rider, for instance, who has a pending challan of Rs 1000 will only have to pay Rs 250 to clear their dues. During the two exhausting years of the pandemic, pushcart vendors who were hit with challans are given special exemptions. For them, the police department offers an 80 percent discount on their dues.


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