War is often not confined to warring parties. It creates a domino effect that leads to problems all over the world, even in countries far from the actual conflict. Ukraine’s conflict has created a state of alert in Europe, but its effects on oil prices are felt throughout the world.
An effect of the Ukraine conflict is the ‘noodle crisis’ in Indonesia, a country half a world away from the actual battlefield. A shortage of ‘Indomie’ noodles has been reported in Indonesia due to the Ukraine conflict. Ukrainian ports have become considerably less active since the Russian invasion. The country is the biggest exporter of wheat to Indonesia. Thus, the production of Indomie noodles, which are made of wheat flour, has been impacted.
Indomie describes itself as Indonesia’s first instant noodle brand, introducing and popularizing the concept. The brand is popular throughout Indonesia. These noodles are perfect for students on a budget or for someone who wants a quick snack. Reports indicate that stores in the country are rapidly running out of fresh packs, and prices of remaining stocks have risen.
In 2020, Ukraine exported 3 million tonnes of wheat to Indonesia, according to Indonesia’s National Statistics Bureau. As reported by Al Jazeera, there were indications that wheat supply to Indonesia was under strain. ‘When Russia invaded Ukraine, activity at Ukrainian ports ceased,’ said Lestary J Barany, a research assistant at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Several granaries were located near Russian-occupied areas in the east. Therefore, the supply side threat for these materials is growing.
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