In Agra, World Migratory Birds Day celebrated with the theme, ‘Shut down your lights and allow migratory birds to return home safely.’ The idea behind the theme is that too much artificial lighting causes migratory birds to lose their route at night, hence outdoor lights should be turned off.
During the ceremony, it was revealed that Agra’s Keetham bird sanctuary, which is spread out around a large man-made lake, is home to over 100 migratory bird species throughout the year. According to a study undertaken by Dr. BR Ambedkar University’s Nidhi Yadav and Himanshi Sagar, Agra has the highest number of wetland dependent birds.
The largest birds that come in the Keetham sanctuary, according to social activist and bird watcher Samir, are the great white pelican, dalmatian pelican, and flamingos. Little stints, sand pipers, and wagtails are among the smaller species that visit the sanctuary in the winter.
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