We are surrounded by diverse types of people if we look around. Everyone in our lives has their own unique personality and character. Some people like to speak less, while others want to speak and express themselves constantly. Extroverts are far more chatty and noisy than introverts. Extroverts use more abstract vocabulary and speak more fluently.
Introverts, on the other hand, prefer to communicate in more concrete terms and to be much more specific. All of these factors influence how often an average person speaks during their lifetime. Gyles Brandreth, a British playwright, actor, and broadcaster, examined these aspects. He provides many fascinating statistics about this in his book, ‘The Joy of Lex: How to Have Fun’ with 860,341,500 Words.
How much do we talk?
‘The Joy of Lex: How to Have Fun’ with 860,341,500 Words is a book written by Gyles Brandreth. Gales writes in this book that an average individual says 860,341,500 words throughout his lifetime. To put this in context, 860.3 million words is equal to 14 times the whole text of the entire 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary. Furthermore, 860.3 million words are 19.5 times the length of the whole 32-volume Encyclopedia Britannica.
We utter 7000 words each day:
According to LinkedIn Learning Instructor Jeff Ansel, a human can speak at least 7000 words every day. John Moschitta Jr., the world’s quickest speaker, could utter 583 words per minute. According to British psychologist Dr. Nicholas Elmer, gossip accounts for 80% of people’s discourse, whereas only 20% of it is valuable. According to studies, we spend 60% of our time talking about ourselves.
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