A French administrative court has halted the decision to allow burkinis at Grenoble municipal swimming facilities, according to Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin on Twitter. The female body-covering swimming costumes are known as ‘burkinis’. Only the face, hands, and feet are visible. Darmanin stated that the Interior Ministry has lodged an objection to the authorization of burkinis in city pools in Grenoble.
Grenoble is a city in the French Alps near Italy that is controlled by ecologists. ‘The administrative court believes that the mayor of Grenoble is significantly harming secularism with his decision to allow burkinis in municipal pools,’ Darmanin stated. On May 16, Grenoble’s municipal council approved the usage of burkinis, based on a request by the city’s environmentalist mayor, Eric Piolle. Conservative and far-right politicians have slammed the move.
Darmanin stated that the court’s decision was based on the 2021 ‘separatism’ law, which was voted on during President Emmanuel Macron’s first term. It authorizes the suspension of actions that may ‘undermine secularism and the neutrality of public services’. Several Muslim rights organizations in France have stated that prohibitions on burkinis not only impede fundamental liberties but also discriminate against Muslim women.
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