World Blood Donor Day was created to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products for transfusion and highlight the critical contribution voluntary, unpaid blood donors make to national health systems. The day also provides an opportunity to call to action governments and national health authorities to provide adequate resources to increase the collection of blood.
The need for blood is universal, but access to blood for all those who need it is not. Blood shortages are particularly acute in low- and middle-income countries. Blood and blood products are essential resources for the effective management of women suffering from bleeding associated with pregnancy and childbirth and children suffering from anaemia.
An effective blood donor programme, characterized by wide and active participation of the population, is crucial in meeting the need of blood transfusion during peace time as well as in emergencies or disasters. To ensure that everyone who needs transfusion has access to safe blood, all countries need voluntary, unpaid blood donors who give blood regularly. The act of blood donation contributes to generating social ties and building a united community.
The World Blood Donor Day 2020 campaign tagline is ‘Donating blood is an act of unity. Join the effort and save lives’ to highlight the importance of volunteer blood donations in saving lives and strengthening community togetherness.
This year’s campaign has the following particular goals:
- Thank all blood donors worldwide and raise public awareness of the need for frequent, unpaid blood donations.
- emphasise the need for year-round blood donation to ensure enough supplies and universal and prompt access to safe blood transfusion;
- acknowledge and promote the merits of unpaid volunteer blood donation in strengthening community cooperation and social cohesion.
- promote awareness of the need for increased government investment in building a sustainable and robust national blood system, as well as boost volunteer non-remunerated blood donor collecting.
A specific activity that countries around the world are encouraged to implement for this year’s campaign is to disseminate stories of people whose lives have been saved through blood donation to various media outlets in order to motivate regular blood donors to continue giving blood and motivate people in good health who have never given blood to start.
Other activities that could help promote this year’s World Blood Donor Day slogan include donor appreciation ceremonies, social networking campaigns, special media broadcasts, social media posts featuring individual blood donors with the slogan, meetings and workshops, musical and artistic events to thank blood donors and celebrate solidarity, and the reding of iconic monuments.
Your participation and support will help to ensure that World Blood Donor Day 2022 has a greater impact, increasing global recognition that giving blood is a life-saving act of solidarity and that services providing safe blood and blood products are an essential component of every health care system. All interested partners are encouraged to participate at all levels in order to make World Blood Donor Day 2022 a global success.
Host for world blood donor day 2022 events
Through the National Blood Centre, Mexico will host World Blood Donor Day 2022. The worldwide event will be on June 14, 2022, in Mexico City.
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