The secret of staying young has now been discovered by scientists. It’s actually fairly easy. All you need to do is be born a turtle.
Limited evidence of cold-blooded creatures avoiding ageing was offered by the two research that were published in the journal Science on Thursday. They have urged more study to reveal their technique, which can increase longevity and improve human health.
For the first time, the researchers discovered that for their sizes, salamanders, crocodilians, and turtles all have very low ageing rates and long lifespans.
For instance, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise, which is thought to be the oldest living terrestrial animal in the world at 190 years old.
To determine the size of a population, these researchers employed a method known as ‘mark-recapture.’ A small number of people are captured via this method, marked, and then released back into the general community.
This method was employed by the scientists to analyse the probabilistic mortality estimates.
According to AFP, lead researcher and biologist Beth Reinke of Northeastern Illinois University said, ‘We observed examples with insignificant ageing.’
She continued, ‘Negligible ageing or senescence does not imply that they are immortal. It means that although there is a probability of dying, that chance does not rise with advancing age.’
It has long been assumed that endotherms, which internally produce their own heat and have greater metabolisms, age more rapidly than ectotherms, which depend on external sources of body heat.
The current study, however, showed that the metabolic rate was not as important as previously believed.
In reaction to the superior living conditions in zoos and aquariums, as opposed to the wild, some of these species are even able to lessen their rate of senescence—the process of deterioration—according to the study.
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